Nizhnekamskaya flood-plain

IBA Justification

The site was identified as important in 2000 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('trigger species') at the site:
Species Red List1 Season Year(s) Size IBA criteria
Corncrake Crex crex LC breeding 1996 95 breeding pairs A1
Great Snipe Gallinago media NT breeding 1996 75 breeding pairs A1
Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus LC breeding 1996 450 breeding pairs A4i, B1i, B2
Little Tern Sternula albifrons LC breeding 1991 200 breeding pairs A4i, B1i
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus LC breeding 1996 800 breeding pairs A4i, B1i
White-tailed Sea-eagle Haliaeetus albicilla LC breeding 1991 5 breeding pairs A1
Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola VU breeding 1996 10 breeding pairs A1, B2
A4iii Species group - waterbirds n/a unknown - min 20,000 individuals A4iii

1. The current IUCN Red List category. The category at the time of the IBA criteria assessment (2000) may differ.

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation % overlap with IBA
- Name Unknown, site No. 902 (Udmurtskaya respublika) Not reported <1
- Name Unknown, site No. 901 (Udmurtskaya respublika) Not reported <1
- Urochische Plotbische Nature Monument -
1995 Torfyanoe boloto Dulesovskoe Zakaznik 8
1997 Nechkinsky National Park 43


Habitat1 Habitat detail % of IBA
Forest Broadleaved deciduous woodland, Native coniferous woodland, Mixed woodland, Alluvial and very wet forest 60
Grassland Humid grasslands 30
Wetlands (inland) Fens, transition mires and springs 10
1. IUCN Habitat classification.

Land use

Land use % of IBA
forestry -

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Nizhnekamskaya flood-plain (Russia (European)). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.