Moson Plain

Site description (2000 baseline):

Site location and context
Lowland underlain by alluvial deposits (gravel from the River Danube) and silty loess, which results in thin, poor soils. The town of Mosonmagyaróvár and the borders with Austria and Slovakia surround the site, which is in a predominantly agricultural area. Set-aside is covered by permanent grass with narrow strips of oil-seed rape.

Key biodiversity
An important area for farmland birds, especially for Perdix perdix (the largest local population in Hungary) and Otis tarda.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Privatization (`Other' threat) of land is reducing field sizes, threatening Otis tarda. Habitat improvement projects have been implemented by a collaboration between the Lajta-Hanság Joint Stock Company, the Wildlife Management Department, the University of Sopron, Fertõ-Hanság National Park and the World Wide Fund for Nature - Austria. The Lajta Project promotes the creation of chemical-free headlands, delayed harvesting of field edges, the creation of harrowed fallow strips, and the control of corvids. The Moson Project, a set-aside programme designed to benefit Otis tarda, covers 1,232 ha.

Protected areas
National None International None

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Moson Plain (Hungary). Downloaded from on 28/12/2024.