Marshes near villages Frolishchi and Chistoye

Country/territory: Russia (European)
Central coordinates (latitude / longitude): 56°26'33"N (56.4425°) / 042°50'49"E (42.8472°)
Area (reported): 20,695 hectares / 206.95 km2 / 51,138 acres / 79.90 square miles
Area (GIS-derived): 20,639 hectares / 206.39 km2 / 51,000 acres / 79.69 square miles
Altitude: 0 m (0 ft)

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Marshes near villages Frolishchi and Chistoye (Russia (European)). Downloaded from on 22/12/2024.