Main valley: Eltmann - Hassfurt

IBA Justification

The site was identified as internationally important for bird conservation in 2002 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('key species') at the site:
Species Red List Season (year/s of estimate) Size IBA criteria
Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca NT winter (1990–2000) 8 individuals C6
White Stork Ciconia ciconia LC passage (1990–2000) 4 individuals C6
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris LC breeding (1990–2000) 3 breeding pairs C6
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea LC passage (1998) 1 individuals C6
Osprey Pandion haliaetus LC winter (1990–2000) 12 individuals C6
White-tailed Sea-eagle Haliaeetus albicilla LC winter (1998) 2 individuals C6

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation (management category) % coverage of IBA
1972 Steigerwald Nature Park (V) 19
1974 Haßberge Nature Park (V) 33
1979 Ebelsberg Naturschutzgebiet (IV) 4
1986 Pfaffenberg Naturschutzgebiet (IV) 2
1987 LSG innerhalb des Naturparks Hassberge (ehemals Schutzzone) Landschaftschutzgebiet (V) 16
1987 LSG innerhalb des Naturparks Hassberge (ehemals Schutzzone) Landscape Protection Area (V) 16
1988 LSG innerhalb des Naturparks Steigerwald (ehemals Schutzzone) Landschaftschutzgebiet (V) 9
1988 LSG innerhalb des Naturparks Steigerwald (ehemals Schutzzone) Landscape Protection Area (V) 10
1992 Altmain und Sandmagerrasen bei Limbach Naturschutzgebiet (IV) 22
1998 Vogelfreistätte Graureiherkolonie bei Dippach am Main Naturschutzgebiet (IV) 11
2001 Mainaue bei Augsfeld Naturschutzgebiet (IV) 36


Habitat % of IBA Habitat detail
Wetlands (inland) 92 Standing freshwater; Rivers and streams; Water fringe vegetation; Fens, transition mires and springs
Forest 5 Alluvial and very wet forest

Land use

Land use % of IBA
hunting 100
fisheries/aquaculture 90
water management 10
nature conservation and research 10

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Main valley: Eltmann - Hassfurt (Germany). Downloaded from on 13/01/2025.