Lakes Ballard and Marmion

Site description (2008 baseline):

Site location and context
The IBA is Lake Ballard and the nearby Lake Marmion, large ephemeral saline lakes in south-western Western Australia north of Kalgoorlie. The lakes are about 15 km apart in a mulga environment supporting many other ephemeral saline lakes. The climate is hot and semi-arid; mean annual rainfall at nearby Menzies is 244 mm. Both lakes are inundated on average about once every five years following major rainfall events. The lakes receive water from direct precipitation and periodic flow from a number of creeks, and may retain water for six to nine months after major rainfall events. The lake beds are bare but have numerous islands of varying size (microscale to macroscale) that support low samphire vegetation and, in some instances, Eucalyptus striaticalyx woodland. The margins support low samphire vegetation. When inundated, islands and possibly the shorelines can support large numbers of breeding Banded Stilt. Lake Marmion is less important for breeding Banded Stilts but still qualifies alone as an IBA. The IBA overlaps the Goongarrie National Park.

Key biodiversity
At least 12 species of waterbird have been recorded at Lake Ballard. Three species of waterbird (Banded Stilt, Red-necked Avocet and Red-capped Plover) are known to breed at the lake (Chapman and Lane 1997; DEWHA 2007). Red-necked Avocet and Red-capped Plover breed in small numbers on the islands of Lake Ballard. Australian Shelduck and Grey Teal have been observed in hundreds and thousands respectively (DEWHA 2007). Hooded Plover have been observed in small numbers (Chapman & Lane 1997). A single unconfirmed sighting of Night Parrot (one adult and a nest with five young) was made near the south-eastern shore of Lake Ballard in April 1937 (Storr 1986). Australian Shelduck, Grey Teal, Red-necked Avocet and Silver Gull have been recorded at Lake Marmion (DEWHA 2007).

Non-bird biodiversity: Brine shrimp (Parartemia sp.) become abundant during inundation events.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Exclude mineral exploration from areas critical to Banded Stilt or, if possible, the entire lakes. Determine impact of predation by foxes and cats and implement control measures if deemed necessary.

Conservation responses/actions for key biodiversity
A management plan has been developed for Lake Ballard. Breeding events of Banded Stilt are monitored by the Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation. A study of Banded Stilt was conducted during the breeding event in 1995 (DEWHA 2007).

Protected areas
IBA overlaps the Goongarrie National Park.

Land ownership
Lake Ballard is unallocated Crown land managed by the Western Australian Department for Planning and Infrastructure. The Department for Planning and Infrastructure and traditional owners have recently agreed to establish a reserve at Lake Ballard (Goldfields Land and Sea Council 2007). Lake Marmion consists of Mendleyarri pastoral lease and part of the national park.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Lakes Ballard and Marmion (Australia). Downloaded from on 23/12/2024.