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Site description (2007 baseline):
Site location and context
The Kulykol-Taldykol Lake System is located on the right bank of the upper course of the Tobol river, at the boundary with the gently undulated plateaus of the Trans-Ural region and the Tersek-Adaevskoye Plateau.
The IBA is situated in the sub-zone of dry steppes dominated by feather-grass-fescue associations alternating with wormwood-fescue associations. The region is included in a zone of intensive agriculture, predominantly grain production. Tilled lands surround the lakes on all sides, approaching within 5, sometimes 0.2 km, of the shoreline. This, together with other substantial factors, is resulting in a steady growth in the numbers of waterfowl (geese, ducks) during migration as the harvested crop fields provide ideal feeding conditions. Due to declining cattle raising the pastures and hayfields are not being used half as much as they were 20+ years ago.
The IBA lies in the western part of Kamysty district 230 km south-west of the regional centre of Kostanai and 60 km to the south of the district centre of Kamysty. The Kulykol-Taldykol Hollow lies in the closed basin of the Tobol-Turgai Interfluve that is notable for having a sparse network of seasonal rivulets many of which only run for very short periods. Therefore the main water supply of the lakes is irregular seasonal runoff and snow-melt, which results in unstable hydrological and hydro-chemical regimes. The catchment for snow-melt covers c.1,200 km2, and stretches extensively north, west and south-west from the centre of the hollow. The only stream of moderate strength and extent (38 km) that retains some flow in summer, enters Kulykol from the south-west. Kulykol lake is an elongated waterbody oriented north-south for 10 km, with a maximum width of 4.9 km. The water area covers c.33.7 km2. Average depths are 2 m, exceptionally up to 4 m. The shores are fringed with reed interspersed with associations of Typha angstifolia, Bolboshoenus maritimis and Alisma plantago-aquatica. Reed also occurs as extensive patches over the entire water area. The open water stretches have aggregations of Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton lucens, P. perfoliatus, P. pectinatus and Myriophyllum spicatum. In places with minimal surface disturbance the Ceratophyllum demersum is associated with Lemna trisulca, Polygonum amphibium and other species. Algae are represented by Chara tomentosa. There is an array of small islets in the lake. The largest of the group serves as a nesting area for colonial birds.
Taldykol lake, 11.2 km2 in area, lies 2.3 km to the north of Kulykol and is almost regularly oval in shape. The greater part of its surface is occupied by reedbeds. On the lake's shore, as it is the case with the neighboring Kulykol, there are salt-tolerant grass meadows. At the northern and south-western parts, there are flood meadows dominated by Elytrigia repens, that often turn into marshes during times of deep flooding. In the higher and drier areas, the vegetation complexes acquire more of a xerophyte-predominant aspect, with Artemisia pausiflora, Festuca valesiaca and Stipa sareptana.
During times of deep flooding the water in the lakes is fresh but during protracted droughts the mineralization steadily increases until, during periods of drastic evaporation, the waters become bitter and salty.
146 bird species have been recorded, including 99 species of waterbird composed as follows: Gaviiformes – 1, Podicipediformes - 4, Pelecaniformes - 3, Ciconiiformes – 6, Phoencopteriformes – 1, Anseriformes – 30, Charadriiformes - 46, Gruiformes – 8. Species composition and numbers are related to the prevailing hydrological situation. 45 species breed, the most numerous being geese, ducks, rails and gulls. Counts in 1995-1997 estimated the total number of breeding waterbirds as 80,000 individuals. Among the most numerous species were: Cygnus olor, Cygnus cygnus, Anser anser, Anas platyrhynchos, A. strepera, A. querquedula, A. acuta, A. clypeata, Aythya ferina, Aythya fuligula and Netta rufina. When water levels are high to moderate Fulica atra is extremely common as a breeding species. The common grebe species are: Podiceps cristatus and P. nigricollis. The reedbeds support Ardea cinerea, Egretta alba, Botaurus stellaris and Ixobrychus minutus. In years of favourable hydrological conditions colonial species are important. In 1998-2003, on the major island of Lake Kulykol 20-39 pairs of Pelecanus crispus bred, alongside Phalocrocorax carbo. Large colonies of Larus ichthyaetus (200-250 pairs), Larus cachinnans (100 pairs), L. canus and L. ridibundus, Gelochelidon nilotica, Chlidonias leucoptera, Sterna hirundo and Chlidonias niger also occur. The breeding wader community is represented by: Vanellus vanellus, Glareola nordmanni, Actitis hypoleucos, Tringa totanus, Himantopus himantopus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Limosa limosa and, possibly, Numenius arquata.
When conditions are optimal large numbers of Anseriformes congregate to moult. In 2000, in the first half of June the overall number of birds was assessed at c.20-22,000 birds, of which the dominant species were Anser anser - 21.8%, Anas platyrhynchos (drakes) – 4.7%, A. querquedula – 14.3%, A. clypeata – 1.3%; with less numerous Anas penelope – 8.7%, Tadorna tadorna – 7.7% and A. strepera – 6.6%.
The Kulykol-Taldykol Lake System is located in the middle of a major migratory flyway for waterfowl. Ducks and geese are the dominant components. In 1996-2005 single day counts gave figures varying from 37 to 160,000 birds, composed in general by 57.0-65.9% Anser albifrons, 8.4-10.1% Anser anser, 2.2-7.0% Anser erуthropus and 23.5-25.9% Branta ruficollis. The overall autumn migration is thought to number 450,000 birds. Despite the deterioration of hydrological conditions in the major habitats of Kulykol Lake in 2000-2005, the lake continued to support multitudes of waterbirds. In the first half of September 2005, 280,000 ducks were recorded, including Tadorna ferruginea – 19,800, Anas platyrhynchos – 53,350, A. crecca – 90,840, A. strepera – 3,000, A. penelope - 9,600, A. clypeata - 4,800, A. acuta – 82,200 (in all cases, except Tadorna ferruginea, numbers were estimated on the basis of sample counts). Raptors occurring on migration include Haliaeetus albicila, Aquila chrysaetos, A. heliaca, A. clanga, A. nipalensis, Circus cyaneus, C. pygargus, C. aeruginosus, Accipiter nisus, Buteo buteo, Buteo lagopus, Buteo rufinus, Falco tinnunculus, Falco subbuteo, Falco columbarius and Milvus migrans.
Breeding birds in the surrounding steppe include: Grus virgo, Tetrax tetrax, Melanocorypha yeltoniensis and M. leucoptera. 13 species included in the IUCN Red List occur: Pelecanus crispus, Anser erythropus, Branta ruficollis, Aythya nyroca, Oxyura leucocephala, Circus macrourus, Aquila clanga, Aquila heliaca, Falco cherrug, Falco naumanni, Tetrax tetrax, Grus leucogeranus and Vanellus gregarius. Circus macrourus and Tetrax tetrax are regular nesting species, Pelecanus crispus nests in favorable years. In addition, the following species are listed in the National Red Book: Grus virgo (nesting), Larus ichtyaetus (irregular nesting), Grus grus (very probably nesting), Cygnus cygnus, Cygnus columbianus, Aquila chrysaetos, Haliaeetus albicilla, Egretta garzetta and Phoenicopterus roseus.
Non-bird biodiversity: The site supports at least 30 species of mammal. Most numerous are rodents. The humid ground areas are occupied by Apodemus sylvaticus, Microtus gregalis, Microtus oeconomus, Cricetus cricetus and Micromys minutus. In years when the lakes are full Arvicola terrestris and Ondatra zibetica breed. The steppe biotopes support substantial numbers of Microtus arvalis, Lagurus lagurus, Ellobius talpinus, Sicista subtilis, Allocricetulus eversmanni and Spermophillus major. On the eastern and southern slopes of the Lake’s hollow there are well-established colonies of Marmota bobac. Typical species of the Fescue-Artemisia steppe are: Allactaga major, Spermophillus pygmeus and Erinaceus auritus. Lepus europaeus occurs throughout, while Lepus timidus occurs only within the shore-line zone. Sus scrofa formerly occurred but now is absent. Frequently encountered predators are: Meles meles, Mustela erminea, Mustela nivalis, Mustela eversmanni, Vulpes corsac, Vulpes vulpes and Canis lupus. The area’s primordial aspect and structure of virgin steppe vegetation suffered severe agricultural transformation during the last half century. Only the western slopes of the Kulykol-Taldykol Hollow still have intact remnants of the former xerophyte-rich flora of the dry steppes. Along the saline sections of the shore-line the typical desert species Kalidium shrenkianum can be found, on the very edge of its northern distribution. The National Red Book species - Tulipa schrenkii -can be foujnd in a few locations. The site also supports the relic species Lemna trisulca.
The wetland complex is situated in an area where agriculture has been steadily increasing for the last half century. Near the western end of the IBA, on the shore of Taldykol Lake, is a settlement of the same name populated by 613 people.
During the last 50 years, the area has seen an agricultural boom, principally crop production. Tilled lands almost surround the lakes, encroaching to within 0.2-5 km. This has resulted in a variety of threats to the area including: an impact on the lush vegetation by hay-mowing or cattle-grazing; water pollution by manure or pesticide run-off; disturbance from large-scale fishing operations and poaching. Trampling of the shore zone vegetation, essential for birds’ breeding, has been alleviated to a certain extent on account of the sharp decrease in the number of local livestock in the mid-1990s.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
On the plains surrounding the Hollow, cultivated fields constitute 80-85% of the area. Ploughing disrupts the local hydrological regime reducing or preventing the immediate and plentiful run-off triggered by fast snow-melt. In years when there is a high deficiency of soil-bound moisture, this leads to a deterioration of the ecological conditions of the waterbodies. The intensification of crop-production may also increase the volume of herbicides and fertilisers entering the system, and in recent years farmers have shortened the period between harvest and re-ploughing which will remove the opportunity for migrating geese to use the fields, a habit they have become accustomed to.
Presently, cattle-raising remains at a low level but is gradually reviving regionally, and it is likely that eventually the former pastures and hay-fields around the lakes will be restored.
Apart from agriculture, other threats are the construction of a railway, with Taldykol becoming a station, which may further disrupt the hydrological regime, especially of the eastern slopes of the Hollow. There are regular seasonal fires on the steppe which frequently spread to the lakes.
Conservation responses/actions for key biodiversity
In October 1996, within the programme dedicated to the investigation of the flyways of Anser erythropus, a joint Finnish-Kazakhstani ornithological expedition carried out regular autumn observations of geese migrating through the vast area incorporating the many lake systems of the region, including the Taldykol-Kulykol complex. The same research group conducted a series of spring counts in 1997-1998. Descriptions of the species composition and numbers of birds during nesting and moulting and also of the general conditions of the lakes' habitats and vegetation growth, were prepared by specialists of the Naurzum Reserve in collaboration with experts of the Botanic Institute as part of a WWF Project directed at the development of a Network of Protected Important Wetland Territories of the Kostanai Region in 2000.
Since 2005, monitoring of migrating waterfowl in the region is being conducted within the UNEP/GEF Project “Development of Migratory Routes and Wetland Habitats with regard to Conservation of Grus leucogeranus and other Waterbirds in Asia”.
Since 2002 attempts have been made to upgrade the status of the area, from No Disturbance Zone, to provide increased protection.
In 2006, within the GEF/UNEP/WWF Project “Econet – Central Asia”, the group of experts has prepared and passed to the State Committee of Forestry and Hunting of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a proposal for including the Kulykol-Taldykol Lake Complex into the System of State Preserves.
Presently, the preparatory work is in its final stages for nominating the Kulykol-Taldykol Lake System to the List of Internationally Important Wetlands. In 2007-2008, within the UNEP/GEF Project “Development of Migratory Routes and Wetland Habitats with regard to Conservation of Grus leucogeranus and other Waterbirds in Asia” proposals will be submitted for consideration by the State Management Offices for enhancing the effectiveness of lake protection measures.
The IBA does not currently have legal protection. However, by the resolution of the Regional branch of the State Committee of Forestry and Hunting of the Ministry of Agriculture, Lake Kulykol has been declared a No Disturbance Zone closed to hunting. On the recommendation of the WWF Project a 3 km wide buffer zone around Kulykol has also been established where hunting is also forbidden.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Kulykol-Taldykol Lake System (Kazakhstan). Downloaded from on 14/01/2025.