Country/territory: Azerbaijan
Subnational region(s): Khanlar; Mingechaur
IBA Justification: A1, B2 (2000)
Area: 15,000 hectares (150.00 km2)
Site description (2000 baseline)
The area consists of semi-desert plains with low hills, low arid mountains, scrub along rivers, and a reservoir. Land-uses include sheep-grazing, agriculture in river valleys, and oil prospecting.
Key biodiversity
Breeding species: Tadorna ferruginea (10-15 pairs), Buteo rufinus (3 pairs), Alectoris chukar (150 pairs), Pterocles orientalis (very rare). Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Aegypius monachus (non-breeding visitor throughout the year), Falco naumanni (breeds), Otis tarda (winter visitor: 2-5, not annual). Aquila nipalensis occurs, with 3-4 wintering and some tens passing through; Anthropoides virgo is rare on migration.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Korchai area (Azerbaijan). Downloaded from on 26/01/2025.