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Site description (2008 baseline):
Site location and context
The Katta-Kurgan water reservoir is situated to the south of Kattakurgan in a natural depression. Tree and shrub plantations (pistachio, oleaster, acacia, maple and others) cover 2,600 ha along the southern, south-eastern and western banks. The reservoir gets its water from the Kara-darya river, which is a right branch of the Zaravshan river. The reservoir fills in autumn, winter and spring. Water is used for irrigation from May to June. The reservoir freezes for a short time in winter. Emergent vegetation is not developed because of water level fluctuations. The phytoplankton of the reservoir is poor in species composition and numbers.
115 species have been recorded, 61 of them breeding. Falconiformes - 13 species, waterbirds – 52 species, of which 14 are Anseriformes, 18 shorebirds, 6 Ciconiiformes, 5 Laridae, 3 Rallidae and 2 each of Podicipediformes, Pelecaniformes and Gruidae. The Kattkurgan district is situated in the low mountains, so larks are typical species. Melanocorypha calandra and Melanocorypha bimaculata are widespread. Calandrella cinerea and Alauda gulgula are common in wormwood areas. Before development Pterocles alchata, Pterocles orientalis and Chlamydotis undulata bred. Buteo rufinus, Falco tinnunculus, Galerida cristata, Oenanthe hispanica are common. Emberiza bruniceps, Lanius isabellinus, Streptopelia turtur, Hippolais rama, Cercotrichas galactotes and Pica pica are typical of the tamarisk-haloxylon thickets. Motacilla feldegg, Hippolais rama, Coturnix coturnix and Circus aeruginosus occur in wet areas with meadow vegetation near the reservoir. The reservoir is a site for congregatory waterbirds. The most numerous are: Anas platyrhynchos, Aythya ferina, Anas crecca, Anas strepera, Anas clypeata, Fulica atra, Mergellus albellus, Bucephala clangula and Anser anser. Himantopus himantopus and Charadrius dubius are common nesting species, Recurvirostra avosetta, Haematopus ostralegus, Vanellus vanellus and Philomachus pugnax are rare. Larus ridibundus, Larus cachinnans, Sterna hirundo, Sterna nilotica and Sterna albifrons are numerous. Ciconiiformes include Ardea cinerea, Egretta alba, Botaunus stellaris and Ixobrychus minutus. Phalacrocorax carbo and Phalacrocorax pygmaeus previously bred.
There are 10 species of birds included in the National Red Book. Four species breed (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, Phasianus colchicus, Chlamydotis undulata, Pterocles alchata).
This site plays an important role in the protection of Chlamydotis undulata and Pterocles alchata. Many species of birds stop to rest and feed during spring and autumn migration.
Non-bird biodiversity: There are 13 species of fish in the reservoir. Barbus capito conocephalus, Capaetobrama kuschakewitschi and Sabanejewia aurata are included in the National Red Book.
Reptiles around the reservoir total 11 species including Varanus griseus and Testudo horsfieldi.
Mammals - 26 species have been recorded.
There is a steady anthropogenic influence on the ecosystems of the IBA at present.
Landuse: water management, fishing and recreation for local people.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
The main threats are regular fishing by local people and high levels of recreation and disturbance.
Conservation responses/actions for key biodiversity
There has been no detailed research of the site, including the proposed IBA. Research has included all of the main natural components - climate, hydrology, dynamics of water level and its influence on vegetation and animals, soil and vegetation (Bezrukova, 1956; Jadin, Gerdt, 1962; Stepanova, 1955. 1961). There has been no analysis of vertebrates, including birds.
There are no protected areas.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Kattakurgan Reservoir (Uzbekistan). Downloaded from on 22/12/2024.