
Site description (2000 baseline):

Site location and context
The only National Park in Slovenia, Triglav National Park (TNP) includes almost all of the Julian Alps, and is named after the highest Slovenian mountain, Triglav, which is located inside the park. The core of the park consists of all the high mountain crests, peaks and glacier valleys. The area also includes two forested plateaus, Pokljuka and Mežakla, as well as Bohinj lake, the largest lake (c.300 ha) in Slovenia, and several smaller high-mountain glacier lakes. Two of the longest rivers in Slovenia, Soèa and Sava, rise in the park. There are 24 settlements and hamlets in the area, with a resident population of 2,200. Triglav National Park is also important for its cultural heritage, especially the folk architecture of alpine villages and the traditional highland pastures. About 63% of the park is state property, but this is expected to be reduced to 10-20% after denationalization claims have been concluded, when private ownership will predominate, and c.20% will return to the hands of the farming community. The park is managed by `Zavod TNP' which developed from the game-hunting reservation `Zavod za gojitev divjadi Triglav'. Commercial hunting is still an important source of income for the park.

Key biodiversity
The site supports internationally important numbers of 15 SPECs of woodland and mountain, as well as 4-5 of the 10 species in Europe that are restricted to the Eurasian high-montane biome (when breeding). Breeding species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Crex crex (4-10 pairs, based on diurnal surveys only). Significant proportion (³1%) of national population breeding at site: Lanius collurio (100-300 pairs). During 1991-1995 the ornithological atlas of TNP recorded 115 species, of which 81 were confirmed breeders, 22 probable and 11 possible, with one non-breeding summer visitor, and 85 species in winter.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Increasing tourism and outdoor activities such as skiing, rafting and mountain climbing cause serious disturbance and other threats to birds and other wildlife. The National Park was designated in 1981 but the area has been protected since 1924. There is a management plan for the site. Recent research has included an ornithological atlas of TNP (initiated by DOPPS), an ongoing project to estimate the population sizes of birds in TNP, and a study on Aquila chrysaetos.

Protected areas
National High International None84,805 ha of IBA covered by National Park (Triglavski narodni park, 84,805 ha).

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Julijci (Slovenia). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.