Inishbofin and Inishshark (including Davillaun)

Country/territory: Ireland

IBA criteria met: B1i, B2, C2, C6 (2009)
For more information about IBA criteria, please click here

Area: 2,815 ha

BirdWatch Ireland

Site description (2000 baseline)
A group of marine islands situated approximately 5.5 km off the west County Galway coast. Inishbofin, the largest island, is inhabited year-round by approximately 250 people. Two-thirds of this island is commonage and the main habitat-type is heathland, the other third is used for agriculture, mainly sheep-grazing, with small areas of meadow. Sheer cliffs and two very large stacks are present at its western end. Inishark is situated less that 1 km south-west of Inishbofin, and has been uninhabited since 1960. Its main habitat-types are heathland with rough pasture. The much smaller Davillaun Island lies 2 km east of Inishbofin, it is uninhabited. The IBA has been expanded to encompass Inishark and Davillaun, which were not included within this site in the previous pan-European inventory (Grimmett and Jones 1989).

Key biodiversity
Breeding Puffinus puffinus and wintering Branta leucopsis occur on both Inishark and Inishbofin, the latter species occurring also on Davillaun. Other seabirds breeding in numbers of national importance are Fulmarus glacialis (824 pairs, 1990) and Hydrobates pelagicus (>30 pairs, 1965). Inishbofin was formerly a stronghold of the globally threatened Crex crex, but breeding numbers are now small (3 calling males, 1998), though still of national importance. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax breed in low numbers on the two main islands.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Inishbofin and Inishshark (including Davillaun) (Ireland). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.