Harboøre Tange, Plet Enge & Gjeller Sø

Site description (2000 baseline):

Site location and context
A narrow peninsula with shallow fjord areas containing shoals and banks with an intertidal zone, saltmarsh and some brackish lagoons. There are grazing-meadows on the landward side and cultivated areas with scattered habitation.

Key biodiversity
Several species listed on Annex I of the EC Birds Directive bred at the site in 1988, including Circus aeruginosus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Philomachus pugnax, Sterna paradisaea, S. albifrons and Asio flammeus, but no recent data are available on breeding birds.

Protected areas
National Partial International High7,280 ha of IBA covered by Ramsar Site (Harboøre and Agger Tange, 12,772 ha). 5,110 ha of IBA covered by Special Protection Area (Hanstholm-reservatet, 5,110 ha).

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Harboøre Tange, Plet Enge & Gjeller Sø (Denmark). Downloaded fromøre-tange-plet-enge-&-gjeller-sø-iba-denmark on 11/01/2025.