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Site description (2002 baseline):
Site location and context
The site is a mosaic of wood, mire, meadow, wetland and forest. It also includes large natural water bodies belonging to the Upper Berezina river catchment.
A total of 140 bird species breed on the IBA, of which 24 are listed in the National Red Data Book.
Non-bird biodiversity: Rare and disappearing flora includes nine plant species and one mushroom species listed in the National Red Data Book. Brown Bear Ursus arctos, Badger Meles meles, and Lynx Felis linx, also listed in the National Red Data Book, breed.
70% of the site is covered by forests, 18% by wetlands. The core of the zakaznik is a mix of bogs and transition mires located in its northern part. The forest stands are dominated by middle-age pinewoods, as well as spruces, black alders and birches. Occasionally one can encounter fragments of broad-leafed forests. Forestry dominates the economic activities. The site is one of the main peat extraction grounds of the region. Local people visit the IBA to collect berries and mushrooms, hunt and fish.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Pollution The main source of pollution is the town of Dokshitsy, which does not have municipal purification facilities.
Drainage Construction of new drainage facilities on areas adjacent to the IBA is not planned for the near future. The existing drainage systems, however, disrupt the hydrological regime and the ecological condition of the site and the region in general.
Peat extraction The main factor that is causing the ecological situation in the region to deteriorate is peat extraction, carried out for more than 30 years. There are plans to extend peat extraction to the whole of the IBA. In this case, Golubitskaia Pushcha will lose its value, the hydrological regime of the Berezina river will be disrupted, and the Berezinski Biosphere Reserve will be impacted.
National Conservation Status: A national hydrological zakaznik is planned to be established in 2002 by extending the borders of the existing zakaznik.International Conservation Status: An IBA was established in 1998. In 2001 the borders of the IBA were adjusted to account for the extension of the zakaznik (code BY004, criterion Â2).Potential Ramsar site (criterion 1).
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Halubickaja Pušča (Belarus). Downloaded fromšča-iba-belarus on 13/01/2025.