Gavur Lake

Country/territory: Türkiye
Subnational region(s): Gaziantep; K.Maraş

IBA Justification: A1, A4iii (2004)

Area: 6,650 hectares (66.50 km2)

BirdLife Partner(s): Doga Dernegi

Conservation status of the Important Bird Area (IBA)
Year of assessment (most recent) State (condition) Pressure (threat) Response (action)
2016 very unfavourable high very low

Site description (2000 baseline)
The site lies south of the town of Türkoðlu in the Saðlýk plain, and comprises a complex of fields and small reedbeds (Phragmites) inundated during the winter but largely dry and cultivated during the summer. The area is fed by springs and streams. Rice-fields adjoin the lake to the north-east; a railway and motorway pass to the west.

Key biodiversity
Prior to drainage the site held enormous numbers of passage waterbirds.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Gavur Lake (Türkiye). Downloaded fromürkiye on 06/01/2025.