Current view: Text account
Site description (2000 baseline):
Site location and context
A heathland with areas of bog and a small patch of
Quercus scrub and forest. The area is contiguous with Jardelunder Moor in Germany.
The site holds one of the densest populations of
Lanius collurio in Denmark. Several additional species listed on Annex I of the EC Birds Directive bred at the site in 1983 but these are no longer present, although it is hoped that
Tringa glareola and
Chlidonias niger will recolonize the site following habitat restoration efforts.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
A habitat restoration project was initiated in 1987.
National Partial
International Partial410 ha of IBA covered by Special Protection Area (Frøslev Mose, 410 ha).
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Frøslev Plantage and Frøslev Mose (Denmark). Downloaded fromøslev-plantage-and-frøslev-mose-iba-denmark on 15/01/2025.