Evros delta

Site description (2000 baseline):

Site location and context
A coastal wetland complex formed by the delta of the River Evros on the Greece/Turkey border (adjacent to Turkish IBA 001).

Key biodiversity
A very important site for breeding, passage and wintering waterbirds, raptors and passerines. Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Aythya nyroca (breeding, passage), Oxyura leucocephala (wintering), Haliaeetus albicilla (breeding, wintering), Aquila heliaca (non-breeding), Falco naumanni (passage), Larus audouinii (non-breeding). The site is a major migratory bottleneck, where more than 5,000 Ciconia ciconia regularly pass.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
There are many threats to the site including the effects of intensive agriculture, drainage, groundwater abstraction and hunting. There have been two recent LIFE projects on Numenius tenuirostris and on Phalacrocorax pygmaeus and Anser erythropus. Part of the area is a candidate SAC.

Protected areas
National Partial International Partial4,600 ha of IBA covered by Wildlife Refuge (Delta Evrou, 4,600 ha). Part of IBA covered by Protected Area. 9,267 ha of IBA covered by Ramsar Site (Evros Delta, 9,267 ha). 9,218 ha of IBA covered by Special Protection Area (Delta Evrou, 9,218 ha).

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Evros delta (Greece). Downloaded from on 13/01/2025.