The site was identified as important in 2000 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.
Populations meeting IBA criteria ('trigger species') at the site:Species | Red List1 | Season | Year(s) | Size | IBA criteria |
Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca | VU | winter | 1997 | 1,500 individuals | B2 |
Greater Scaup Aythya marila | LC | winter | 1997 | 1-160 individuals | B2 |
Northern Pintail Anas acuta | LC | winter | 1997 | 277-1,631 individuals | B1i, C3 |
Corncrake Crex crex | LC | breeding | 1996 | 26-31 breeding pairs | A1, C1, C6 |
Spotted Crake Porzana porzana | LC | breeding | 1991 | 1-10 breeding pairs | C6 |
Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia | LC | passage | 1991 | 140 individuals | A4i, B1i, C2 |
Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta | LC | winter | 1997 | 437-1,360 individuals | A4i, B1i, B2, C2 |
Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta | LC | breeding | 1997 | 10 breeding pairs | C6 |
Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta | LC | passage | 1997 | 5,000 individuals | A4i, B1i, C2 |
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus | LC | breeding | 1995 | 4-7 breeding pairs | C6 |
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica | NT | passage | 1997 | 500-1,000 individuals | A4i, B1i, C2 |
Common Redshank Tringa totanus | LC | passage | 1997 | 1,000-10,000 individuals | A4i, B1i, C3 |
Common Tern Sterna hirundo | LC | passage | 1991 | 1,500-2,000 individuals | B1i, C2 |
Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis | LC | passage | 1991 | 1,500-2,000 individuals | B1i, C2 |
Western Marsh-harrier Circus aeruginosus | LC | breeding | 1997 | 3-5 breeding pairs | C6 |
Bluethroat Luscinia svecica | LC | breeding | 1991 | 1-10 breeding pairs | C6 |
A4iii Species group - waterbirds | n/a | winter | 1997 | min 20,000 individuals | A4iii, C4 |
1. The current IUCN Red List category. The category at the time of the IBA criteria assessment (2000) may differ.
Ideally the conservation status of the IBA will have been checked regularly since the site was first identified in 2000. The most recent assessment (2013) is shown below.
IBA conservation assessment | |||
Year of assessment | State | Pressure | Response |
2013 | very unfavourable | medium | low |
Whole site assessed? | State assessed by | Accuracy of information | |
yes | habitat | unknown |
State (condition of the trigger species' habitats) | |||
Habitat | Quantity (% remaining) | Quality (% carrying capacity) | Result |
Marine Coastal/Supratidal | moderate (70-90%) | poor (40-69%) | very unfavourable |
Pressure (threats to the trigger species and/or their habitats) | ||||
Threat | Timing | Scope | Severity | Result |
Biological resource use | happening now | some of area/population (10-49%) | slow but significant deterioration | medium |
Residential and commercial development | likely in short term (within 4 years) | some of area/population (10-49%) | moderate to rapid deterioration | medium |
Agricultural expansion and intensification | happening now | small area/few individuals (<10%) | moderate to rapid deterioration | low |
Pollution | happening now | small area/few individuals (<10%) | no or imperceptible deterioration | low |
Response (conservation actions taken for the trigger species and/or their habitats) | |||
Protected areas | Management plan | Other action | Result |
Most of site (50-90%) covered (including the most critical parts for important bird species) | A management plan exists but it is out of date or not comprehensive | Very little or no conservation action taking place | low |
Year | Protected Area | Designation | % overlap with IBA |
- | Banc herbeux | Hunting Reserve | 6 |
- | Baie de Seine | Hunting Reserve | 37 |
1974 | Boucles de la Seine normande | Parc naturel régional | 49 |
1993 | Marais des litières de Quillebeuf | Arrêté de protection de biotope | <1 |
1994 | Mannevilles | National Nature Reserve | <1 |
1995 | Estuaire de la Seine | Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) | 43 |
1995 | Marais Vernier; Risle Maritime | Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) | 24 |
1996 | ESTUAIRE DE LA SEINE | Terrain acquis par le Conservatoire du Littoral | 3 |
1997 | Estuaire de la Seine | Réserve naturelle nationale | 31 |
1998 | MARAIS VERNIER | Terrain acquis par le Conservatoire du Littoral | 3 |
1998 | RISLE MARITIME | Terrain acquis par le Conservatoire du Littoral | 1 |
1998 | Estuaire de la Seine | Nature Reserve | 5 |
2004 | RIVES DE SEINE SUD - 27 | Terrain acquis par le Conservatoire du Littoral | 2 |
2004 | RIVES DE SEINE SUD - 14 | Terrain acquis par le Conservatoire du Littoral | 1 |
2006 | Estuaire et marais de la Basse Seine | Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) | 61 |
2007 | Estuaire de la Seine | Marine Protected Area (OSPAR) | 48 |
2008 | Falaises de Saint-Nicolas de la Taille | Arrêté de protection de biotope | <1 |
2012 | Estuaire de la Seine | Marine Protected Area (OSPAR) | 35 |
2013 | Marais Vernier | Réserve naturelle nationale | 1 |
2015 | Marais Vernier et Vallée de la Risle maritime | Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance | 30 |
Habitat1 | Habitat detail | % of IBA |
Artificial/Terrestrial | Other urban and industrial areas, Ruderal land | 20 |
Grassland | Humid grasslands | 15 |
Marine Coastal/Supratidal | major (>10) | |
Marine Intertidal | major (>10) | |
Marine Neritic | major (>10) |
Land use | % of IBA |
hunting | 40 |
urban/industrial/transport | 15 |
agriculture | 10 |
fisheries/aquaculture | - |
tourism/recreation | - |
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Estuaire et embouchure de la Seine (France). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.