El Ángel - Cerro Golondrinas and surrounding areas

Country/territory: Ecuador
Central coordinates (latitude / longitude): 00°48'00"N (0.8000°) / 078°01'00"W (-78.0167°)
Area (reported): 46,000 hectares / 460.00 km2 / 113,668 acres / 177.61 square miles
Area (GIS-derived): 46,632 hectares / 466.32 km2 / 115,230 acres / 180.05 square miles
Altitude: 1600–4700 m (5,248–15,417 ft)

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: El Ángel - Cerro Golondrinas and surrounding areas (Ecuador). Downloaded fromángel--cerro-golondrinas-and-surrounding-areas-iba-ecuador on 22/12/2024.