Douglas Lake Plateau

Country/territory: Canada
Subnational region(s): British Columbia

IBA Justification: A4i (2008)

Area: 150,000 hectares (1,500.00 km2)

BirdLife Partner(s): Birds Canada / Nature Canada

Site description (2001 baseline)
The Douglas Lake Plateau extends from the outskirts of Kamloops in the north to Nicola Lake in the south, and to Salmon Lake in the east. The site is a rolling plateau of bunchgrass grasslands, small marshy lakes, Douglas Fir/Ponderosa Pine forest, and aspen parkland. Some portions of the site are improved grasslands or are utilized for agriculture. Most of the hilly plateau is covered with various types of glacial till. All of the lakes that dot the plateau are small except for Nicola Lake, which is significantly larger. The site is also unique for having small populations of Badger, Great Basin Spadefoot Toad (nationally vulnerable) and the Rubber Boa.

Key biodiversity
Perhaps the most significant species of the many that use the Douglas Lake Plateau for migration and breeding is the Sandhill Crane (Blue-listed, vulnerable, in British Columbia). More than 10 pairs breed yearly, while over 10,000 birds pass through on both spring and fall migration. These large numbers represent over 1.5% of the North American population of this species. In addition to the cranes, thousands of raptors, shorebirds and mixed waterfowl flocks move through in the spring and fall. This whole site is a major migration corridor for loons, grebes, waterfowl, raptors, shorebirds, gulls and passerines. There is perhaps no other area in the British Columbia Interior that matches the Douglas Plateau in importance for migratory birds.

Two nationally vulnerable species that breed in the dry interior parkland forests are found on the plateau. Possibly the largest concentration of Flammulated Owls in Canada occurs here some researchers estimate that 600 pairs breed in a large area that goes beyond this IBA. Thus, perhaps 5 to 10% of the poorly known Flammulated Owl population in Canada breed within the IBA. Numbers are additionally difficult to estimate because researchers are not yet sure how numbers of calling birds reflect numbers of paired birds. All three of the habitat subtypes that are required by Flammulated Owls occur here: dry old-growth forest snags (for nesting), grassy or shrubby forage sites, and benches and dry gullies with thickets of vegetation or Douglas-fir groves (for escaping predation). The nationally vulnerable Lewis Woodpecker also breeds in the area in unknown numbers.

Also present during the summer, are 10 Burrowing Owls that are part of an ongoing Kamloops Wildlife Park release program. This species has been released at several locations within the IBA. Additionally, several raptor species of interest are found here: over 20 Swainsons Hawks breed in the area; at least one Ferruginous Hawk nest site is present that may still be active; and at least 2 pairs of Prairie Falcon.

Provincially uncommon breeding birds, or other birds of interest include: Bobolink, Brewers Sparrow, Common Nighthawk (August migration), American Avocet, Black Tern, and Yellow-headed Blackbird.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Douglas Lake Plateau (Canada). Downloaded from on 05/01/2025.