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Site description (2003 baseline):
Site location and context
Located in Kapuas Tengah and regarded as main priority for wetland protection (Scott & Poole 1989). Danau Sentarum is the second Ramsar site in Indonesia (D'Cruz & O'Gallaghan 1994). The area covers around 80000 ha which consist of lakes and floodplains. This area is very important for hydrology system of Kapuas.
Breeding colony of waterbirds, and there are records of Storm's Stork
Ciconia stormi from this area. Stork family is difficult to find in this area. Follow-up survey is needed in the lowland forest and slope forest. The threatened White-shouldered Ibis
Pseudibis davisoni, probably lives in this area (van Balen personal communication
in Sozer & van der Heijden 1997).
Non-bird biodiversity: Hylobates muelleri, Nasalis larvatus, Pongo pygmaeus, Helarctos malayanus, Aonyx cinerea, Neofelis nebulosa, Crocodylus porosus, Tomistoma schlegelii, Scleropages formosus (Scott 1989, MacKinnon 1996, Wibowo & Suyatno 1998).
Swamp forest with short trees (5-8 m), swamp forest with middle trees (8-15 m), swamp forest with high trees (20-30m) slope forest, secondary vegetation and agriculture area.Local people uses this area for fishing, collect forest proiduct and for agriculture in some areas.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Infrastructure development plan, unsustainable exploitation of forest product, forest conversion for agriculture and plantation, and bird hunting (Scott 1989, Anon 1995)
Wildlife Sanctuary (80000 ha). Proposed for extention with the same status (Anon 1995). Declare as Danau Sentarum National Park (132000 ha) based on SK Menhutbun No. 34/Kpts-II/99 on 4 February 1999 (Anon 2000)
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Danau Sentarum (Indonesia). Downloaded from on 24/01/2025.