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Site description (2008 baseline):
Site location and context
The Centraal Suriname Natuur Reservaat is one of the largest nature reserves in South America. It is 10% of the surface of Suriname. This nature reserve is also a World Heritage site. It is covered by largely pristine rainforest on terra firma. There is also swamp forest and liana forest. There are several insellbergs with a unique flora. The only tepui in Suriname, the Tafelberg, is situated in this nature reserve. There is a high biodiversity. Stinasu is using the reserve for ecotourism. It also has been important for scientific research.
The reserve is very important for two near-threathened species Morphnus guianensis Crested Eagle,and Harpia harpyja Harpy Eagle. There are three range restricted species occuring in the reserve, Hemitriccus inornatus Pelzelnās Tody-Tyrant, Dysithamnus leucostictus White-streaked Antvireo and Heliodoxa xanthogonys Velvet-browed Brilliant. The total number of species is 505 of which 41 are biome restricted. Hence it is an IBA on A1, A2 and A3 criteria.
Non-bird biodiversity: Because of its pristine features, meaning "least disturbed extant Neotropical forest", the Centraal Suriname Nature Reserve was declared as a World Heritage Biodiversity site by the IUCN and Unesco in 2000. Nothe worthy is also that the orchids occuring on the Voltzberg are endimic for that area.
Landuse none.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Poaching in the Kaiser mountains. Poaching on the Table mountain (Tafelberg) by the employees of the helicopter company Hi-jet. Legal fishing by local Marroons on a scale probably to large. Steeling of the cacti (endemic species) on the Voltzberg by tourists.
Conservation responses/actions for key biodiversity
The Central Suriname Nature Reserve is a good site for nature studies. Over the years many research studies have been done at Raleighvallen, which is part of this Nature reserve. Among many other studies, studies have been done on: Ecological studies on rainforest in Northern Suriname (Schulz 1960), Vegetatiekundig onderzoek in het Natuurreservaat Raleighvallen?Voltzberg ( Holthuizen and de Jong, 1977), Surinaams vruchtenboek (van Roosmalen, 1979,1985), monkeys (Mittermeier, 1977, Mittermeier and Fleagle, 1980, van Roosmalen 1985, Boinski 1998- present), Vulnerability of eggs and young of the Blackish nightjar (Caprimulgus nigrescens) (Ingels et al,1984). Cock of the rock, Jungle dandy (Trail, 1983,1984,1985), Notes on the woodpeckers (Aves picidae) of Foengoe-Island (O'Brien, 1977), A synopsis of the tree frogs of Suriname (Goin, 1971, Hoogmoed, 1968), Bijen en wespen verzameld in Suriname door fr. Solanus Essers, Raleighvallen aan de Coppenamerivier (Benno, 1971).
This site is a Nature Reserve.
Owned by the state.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Centraal Suriname Nature Reserve (CSNR) (Suriname). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.