Carpathian Vulkanichnyj Mountains

IBA Justification

The site was identified as internationally important for bird conservation in 2000 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('key species') at the site:
Species Red List Season (year/s of estimate) Size IBA criteria
Black Stork Ciconia nigra LC breeding (1997) 10–15 breeding pairs B2
Tawny Owl Strix aluco LC resident (1997) 60–80 breeding pairs B3
Eurasian Eagle-owl Bubo bubo LC resident (1997) 8–10 breeding pairs B2
Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina LC breeding (1997) 10–14 breeding pairs B2
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis LC breeding (1997) 40–50 breeding pairs B2
Grey-faced Woodpecker Picus canus LC resident (1997) 180–280 breeding pairs B2
Middle Spotted Woodpecker Leiopicus medius LC resident (1997) 50–70 breeding pairs B3
Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus VU breeding (1997) 3–5 breeding pairs B2

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation (management category) % coverage of IBA
1978 Zacharovana dolina State Zakaznik (IV) <1


Habitat % of IBA Habitat detail
Forest 80 Broadleaved deciduous woodland; Native coniferous woodland; Mixed woodland; Alluvial and very wet forest
Grassland 8 Alpine, subalpine and boreal grassland; Humid grasslands; Mesophile grasslands
Artificial/Terrestrial 5 Highly improved re-seeded landscapes; Arable land; Forestry plantations; Other urban and industrial areas
Shrubland 5 Scrub
Wetlands (inland) 2 Rivers and streams; Water fringe vegetation
Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks) - Inland cliffs

Land use

Land use % of IBA
forestry 66
agriculture 22
urban/industrial/transport 8
hunting 3
nature conservation and research 1

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Carpathian Vulkanichnyj Mountains (Ukraine). Downloaded from on 21/01/2025.