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Site description (2015 baseline):
Site location and context
Cape Jules is a rocky peninsula of ~1 km in length and across, indented by a prominent cove on its northern coast. It is situated ~8 km west of the Zélée Glacier Tongue and ~18 km east of Cape Bienvenue in Terre Adélie.
The IBA qualifies on the basis of the Adélie Penguin (
Pygoscelis adeliae) colony present and comprises all of the ice free area at Cape Jules.
The nearest permanent station is Dumont d'Urville (FRA), ~40 km to the west at Pointe Géologie.
et al. (1999) counted 41 559 breeding pairs of Adélie Penguin at Cape Jules in 1997/98. This compares to approximately 56 399 breeding pairs (95% CI: 34 446, 92 123) of Adélie Penguin at Cape Jules as estimated from February 2011 satellite imagery (Lynch & LaRue 2014).
The Barbraud
et al. (1999) survey also recorded 93 pairs of Snow Petrel (
Pagodroma nivea), two pairs of Cape Petrel (
Daption capense), 46 pairs of South Polar Skua (
Catharacta maccormicki) and confirmed Wilson's Storm-petrels (
Oceanites oceanicus) as breeding.
Non-bird biodiversity: None known.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
None known.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Cape Jules (Antarctica). Downloaded from on 05/01/2025.