Country/territory: Senegal
Subnational region(s): Cap Vert
IBA Justification: A1, A4i, A4ii (2001)
Area: 3,800 hectares (38.00 km2)
Site description (2001 baseline)
This marine site consists of the coastline of the peninsula known as Cap Vert, running from les Mammelles and Pointe des Almadies north to Cambérène (c.19 km in length), together with the offshore islands and reefs and the narrow strip of sea between the islands and the mainland (up to about 2 km offshore). Cap Vert is the westernmost point of Africa and is the peninsula on which Dakar stands. The two islands in question are the Ile de Yof (also known as Ile de Tenguène) and the Ile de Ngor. The coast and islands consist of rocky outcrops and some sandy beaches, and there is a string of reefs off the Pointe des Almadies, known as the ‘Chaussée des Almadies’. The reefs and islands form a degree of natural protection from the Atlantic Ocean for the narrow sea channel (less than 1 km) between them and the mainland. Many migrating seabirds pass through this marine ‘bottleneck’, and large numbers also pass on the seaward side of the two islands.
Key biodiversity
See Box for key species. Larus audouinii is frequent to common off the Pointe des Almadies during January to March—numbers in the hundreds have been recorded flying south in October (counts of 132 in 1995 and 280 in 1996, each count consisting of several hours observation over several days, with a maximum single-day total of 77 on 10 October 1996).
Non-bird biodiversity: The dolphin Tursiops truncatus (DD) is regularly seen, and it is likely that other dolphins, including Steno bredanensis (DD) and Stenella coeruleoalba (LR/cd), and the sea-turtle Caretta caretta (EN), recorded from the Parc National des Iles de la Madeleine (site SN010), will also be present in this site.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Cap Vert (Senegal). Downloaded from on 16/01/2025.