Boussedra Marsh

Site description (2023 baseline):

Site location and context
It is fed by the groundwater and retains the rainwatr. It extends over a maximun area of about 55ha, which varies according to the intensity of precipitation within years. 

Located onthe warm sub-humid meso-Mediterranean bioclimatic floor, which is rainy in winter and hot and dry in summer (5 m above sea level).

Mean annual temperature is 170C and the mean annual total rainfall is 630mm..
The mean relative humidity exceeds 70% due to the sea spray and the numerous nearby wetlands.

Key biodiversity
Five of the species found in the marsh are classified as globally threatened. This species are Oxyura leucocephala (EN), Aythya nyroca (NT), Vanellus Vanellus (NT), Aythya ferina (VU) and Marmaronetta angustirostris (NT).
 Up to 960 White-headed Ducks were recorded in February 2018, which is 7-12% of the total world population.

It hosts a high richness of 42 bird species (32%) of the national aquatic avifauna that is estimated at 133 species. The significant richness of the site places it among the most diversified wetlands in Algeria.

The site supports significant diversity of dabbling ducks foraging  in the first few centimeters of open water (Mallard Duck, Northern Shoveller, Eurasian wigeon, Gadwall, Eurasian Teal, Marbled Teal and Northern Pintai), diving ducks and grebes penetrating deeper( White-headed Duck, Tufted Duck, Ferruginous Duck, Common Pochard, Little Greebe and Great Crested Grebe).The fresh water also hosts Rallids (Eurasian Coot,  Common Moorhen, Water Rail, and Western Swamphen).shore bird (Several plovers, Black- winged Stilt, Common Sandpiper, and Common Snipe), and large waders (several herons, stork and ibis) walking along peripheral areas in search of their prey.

Its impontance appears in its large carrying capacity of waterbirds despite its small size. The annual monthly abundance varied from 580 to almost 5000 birds between 2015-2018.

Habitat and land use
Its a fresh water body.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Pressures on the water body are mainly related to the urban expansion and partial backfilling over the last decades, in addition to the low water inflow over the same period. Its a wetland area that is subject to anthropogenic pressuress in combination with climate change.

Protected areas
Its unprotected

Land ownership
Belongs to the public domain and is managed by the hydraulic direction

The water body is surrounded by concrete on all four sides. its a highly anthropized area.

Site access / Land-owner requests
Its open to the public and not regulated

The Forest conservation directorate of Annaba and El Tarf, as well as of the National Park of ElKala for having provided the annual waterbird census data carried out by their services.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Boussedra Marsh (Algeria). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.