Current view: Reference and further resources
Best B.J and Kessler M.(1995). Biodiversity and Conservation in Tumbesian Ecuador and Peru. Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife InternationalDueñas. L.L. (2000) Sistema Administrativo y aprovechamiento sustentable del Bosque y Vegetación Protectores Cerro Pata de Pájaro del cantón Pedernales Provincia de Manabí, Escuela Politécnica Javeriana del Ecuador. (Tesis)Foster, R. 1991 Cerro Pata de Pájaro (fog/cloud forest, wet forest): site description and vegetation. Parker T.A. and Caves J.L., eds. 1992. Status of forest remnants en the Cordillera de la Costa and adjacent areas of Northwestern Ecuador, Conservación Internacional, Rap Working Papers 2.Fundación Ecológica Tercer Mundo y Cuerpo de Paz E.E.U.U. (1998) bosque y vegetación protector Cerro Pata de Pájaro, Pedernales, Manabí-Ecuador (Plan de manejo)Miller Matthew J. (2001) Conservation status of a Highly fragmented costal Wet Forest. Cerro Pata de Pájaro" (Manabí-Ecuador) University of Alaska. (tesis de Doctorado)Neill David A., Clark John L., Vargas Homero, Nuñez Tamara (1999) Botanical Exporation of the Mache-Chindul Mountains, Northwerstern Ecuador.Ridgely Robert S. and Greenfield Paul J. (2001) The Birds of Ecuador. Volume I: Status, Diatribution, and Taxonomy. New YorkRidgely Robert S. and Greenfield Paul J. (2001) The Birds of Ecuador. Volume II: Field Guide. New YorkStattersfield A.J, Crosby M.J., Long A.J. and Wege D.C.(1998) Endemic Birds Areas of the World. BirdLife International.Cambridge
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Bosque Protector Cerro Pata de Pájaro (Ecuador). Downloaded fromájaro-iba-ecuador on 26/12/2024.