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Site description (2008 baseline):
Site location and context
The IBA consists of Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park and adjacent Lawn Hill Resources Reserve, which are located about 300 km north-west of Mount Isa adjoining the Queensland-Northern Territory border. Morgan (1999) describes the major landforms and vegetation in detail. Southern parts of the IBA occur on the eastern edge of the Barkly Plateau and are largely composed of limestone hills dissected by numerous creeks that flow to the northeast, predominantly into Lawn Hill Creek and the Gregory River. Hills are dominated by low woodland of
Eucalyptus leucophloia subsp.
euroa and
Corymbia terminalis with protected rocky ridges and crests frequently dominated by low woodland of non-eucalypt species such as
Brachychiton collinus,
Ficus spp. and
Terminalia aridicola subsp.
aridicola. In places and especially to the west a capping of Mesozoic mudstone occurs and is dominated by low woodland of
Eucalyptus leucophylla. The streams and springs of this fossil rich limestone landscape carry unique and restricted vegetation communities that include a number of rainforest species and the distinctive palm
Livistona mariae subsp.
rigida. Northern parts of the IBA are composed of gently deformed pre-Cambrian sediments such as shales that form low hills dominated by low open woodland of
Eucalyptus pruinosa. These low hills are overlain in places by Mesozoic sediments of the Carpentaria Basin forming residual plateaus and scarps of sandstone that carry woodland of
Eucalyptus miniata on sandy parts while rockier areas carry low woodland of
Corymbia capricornia and
C. aspera. Small but ecologically significant springs are scattered throughout these sandstone areas, particularly at lower elevations. Larger watercourses are composed of sandy alluvium and are fringed with woodland of
Eucalyptus camaldulensis,
Melaleuca spp. and rainforest species. The climate is monsoonal but the wet season rains are irregular and consequently there are extended dry periods. Rainfall and humidity increase in a gradient from the south to the north. The major streams that flow out of the eastern escarpment are fed by springs that maintain water levels for prolonged periods, whereas the upper streams tend to dry out early in the dry season. Throughout the IBA, summers are hot and winters cool but without frosts. A number of sites throughout the IBA are of cultural significance to the Waanyi people, who are the traditional inhabitants of the region.
In April 2005, a small flock of Gouldian Finches, including four juvenile birds, was recorded in the northwest of the IBA; whether the birds are resident or transient is unknown. Painted Finches, Bush Stone-curlews, Black Honeyeaters, Bar-breasted Honeyeaters and White-browed Robins are rarely recorded in the IBA (Atlas of Australian Birds database).
Non-bird biodiversity: Recent survey work confirms that the mammals Pseudomys johnsonii and Desert Mouse are present (Mason, 2005). Earlier work by Parsons et. al. (2003) documented the presence of Rock Rat, Stripe-faced Dunnart, Long-tailed Planigale and Delicate Mouse. Reptiles recorded by Parson et. al. (2003) include Little Spotted Snake, Olive Python, Ridge-tailed Monitor, Ctenotus lateralis, Leopard Ctenotus and Central Netted Dragon. Amphibian and reptile species richness of the Musselbrook area in the west of the IBA was documented by Horner (1998) who recorded a total of 71 reptiles and 15 amphibian species in 1995. A number of rare plants are recorded for the IBA including Trachymene glandulosa, Alectryon tropicus, Brachychiton collinus and Cycas brunnea. Due to its remote location and poor road infrastructure, extensive areas of the IBA remain unsurveyed.
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Fire is a potential threat and ongoing fire management is essential. Other major threats include introduced plants such as rubbervine
Cryptostegia grandiflora, stinking passionfruit
Passiflora foetida and lions tail
Leonotis nepetifolia. Introduced animals such as cane toads, feral horses and pigs impact wetter areas such as springs and permanent waterholes and need to be monitored.
Conservation responses/actions for key biodiversity
Due to a lack of resources for research, fauna surveys occur spasmodically. Fire management and research by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service is ongoing and aims to develop a mosaic of burnt and unburnt vegetation across the landscape. Monitoring is done by remote sensing and some fieldwork. Aerial incendiaries are used to light strategically located fires each dry season. Research has been conducted in the Riversleigh area since the 1960s.
The IBA consists of the Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park and Lawn Hill Resources Reserve.
Managed by QPWS and Waanyi representatives.
Nomination prepared by Ian Fox.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Boodjamulla (Australia). Downloaded from on 12/01/2025.