Bodakivs'ke marsh

IBA Justification

The site was identified as important in 2000 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting ('triggering') IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('trigger species') at the site:
Species Red List1 Season Year(s) Size IBA criteria
Bean Goose Anser fabalis LC passage 1996 2,000-5,000 individuals A4i, B1i
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris LC breeding 1996 50 breeding pairs B2
Common Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus LC breeding 1996 100 breeding pairs B2

1. The current IUCN Red List category. The category at the time of the IBA criteria assessment (2000) may differ.


Habitat1 Habitat detail % of IBA
Wetlands (inland) Rivers and streams, Water fringe vegetation, Fens, transition mires and springs 100
1. IUCN Habitat classification.

Land use

Land use % of IBA
not utilised 90
agriculture 10

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Bodakivs'ke marsh (Ukraine). Downloaded from on 22/11/2024.