Country/territory: Belarus
Subnational region(s): Minsk; Vitebsk
IBA Justification: A1, B2 (2005)
Area: 84,802 hectares (848.02 km2)
Conservation status of the Important Bird Area (IBA) | |||
Year of assessment (most recent) | State (condition) | Pressure (threat) | Response (action) |
2006 | not assessed | not assessed | not assessed |
Site description (2002 baseline)
Berezinski reserve is the largest complex of pine forests mixed with bogs and fens, as well as river floodplains. Water has a special role and place in the condition and structure of the reserve, represented by the Berezina, smaller rivers and streams, canals, oxbows, floodplain water reservoirs, lakes. There are 69 rivers and streams on the territory of the reserve, the largest being the Berezina. All lakes of the reserve are eutrophic and are getting rapidly overgrown with vegetation.
Key biodiversity
The fauna list of the Berezinski reserve includes 230 bird species, including 179 breeding species. These are mainly forest and wetland species, to a lesser extent these are species affiliated with open spaces and dwellings. 56 National Red Data Book bird species have been recorded on the territory of the reserve.
Non-bird biodiversity: The flora of the reserve currently includes more than 2,000 plant species. Whereas the shares of cold-resisting plants and thermophytes are approximately equal for the whole Belarus (the latter slightly dominating), the Berezinski reserve on the other hand is characterized by domination of cold-resisting plant species. Three new for Belarus plant species have been identified on the territory of the reserve: Omalotheca supina (is located here far beyond its southern range boundary), Carex paupercula, Cystopteris sudetica (an isolated population of this relict species is found in the reserve). 37 plant species are listed in the National Red Data Book of Belarus. 56 mammal species occur on the territory of the reserve, including 8 National Red Data Book species: European Bison Bison bonasus, Brown Bear Ursus arctos, Badger Meles meles, Lynx Felis linx, Myotis dasicneme, Lesser Noctule Nyctalus leisleri, Vespertilio nillsoni, Garden Dormouse Eliomus quercinus.6 reptile and 11 amphibian species have been recorded on the territory of the reserve. One species - Running Toad Bufo calamita is listed in the National Red Data Book.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Biarezinski zapaviednik (Belarus). Downloaded from on 13/01/2025.