Battures de Beauport and chenal de l'île d'Orléans

Country/territory: Canada
Central coordinates (latitude / longitude): 46°53'03"N (46.8843°) / 071°08'58"W (-71.1497°)
Area (reported): 3,700 hectares / 37.00 km2 / 9,143 acres / 14.29 square miles
Area (GIS-derived): 3,612 hectares / 36.12 km2 / 8,925 acres / 13.95 square miles
Altitude: 0–6 m (0–20 ft)

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Battures de Beauport and chenal de l'île d'Orléans (Canada). Downloaded fromîle-dorléans-iba-canada on 22/12/2024.