Bardha Dam

Site description (2004 baseline):

Site location and context
Bardha Dam is a medium sized irrigation dam, with an expanse of c. 300 ha. It is situated 20 km east of the district headquarters of Bundi. The wetland supports a large number of waterfowl, particularly migratory ducks, pelicans, flamingos, Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia, Ruff, Philomachus pugnax Gadwall Anas Strepera, Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus and other waterbirds. The reservoir is controlled by the State Irrigation Department, as its main purpose is to supply water to farmers.

Key biodiversity

AVIFAUNA: The reservoir hosts Dalmatian Pelican (20-30: 1% population estimate), White Pelican (250: 1% population estimate), Comb Duck (100), Gadwall (5,000), Spoonbill (200), Ruff (2,000), Barheaded Goose (300), Sarus Crane (100: 1% population estimate) whose presence justifies its inclusion as an IBA site. Besides, it also fulfills criteria A1 (Threatened Species) and A3 (Biome Restricted Species). Over 10,000 aquatic birds of approximately 30 species have been recorded from the reservoir. Biome-restricted species of special conservation concern are Black Ibis Pseudibis papillosa, Oriental White-backed Vulture Gyps bengalensis, Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus, Indian Courser Cursorius coromandelicus, and Yellowlegged Green-Pigeon Treron phoenicoptera.

OTHER KEY FAUNA: Important fauna, other than birds are Golden Jackal Canis aureus, Indian Fox Vulpes bengalensis, Chinkara Gazella bennettii and Monitor Lizard Varanus bengalensis.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
MAIN THREATS: Fall in water level; Over-exploitation of fish resources.

The water of this irrigation reservoir is drained through canals from the dam, for agricultural purposes. This restricts the habitat of waterfowl but, at the same time, creation of shallow areas attracts some waders. Fishing, perhaps, is the major disturbance factor, but again not much can be done as the Irrigation Department auctions the fishing rights every year. It would greatly benefit bird conservation if the fishing is restricted or even stopped for a few months in winter when migratory birds are present. Although the area does not belong to the Forest Department, the waterfowl are their responsibility. So, the Forest, Irrigation and Fisheries departments, in order to benefit farmers, fishermen and birds alike, could draw up a joint management plan.

Key contributors: Jatinder Kaur and Manoj Kulshreshtha.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Bardha Dam (India). Downloaded from on 16/01/2025.