
Site description (2022 baseline):

Site location and context
The site comprises a stretch of rugged cliffs along the north coast of the island of Brava, from the fishers’ village of Furna to the South of the agriculture area of Sorno. On Bafador and Baca the cliffs are exceedingly steep and the maximum heigh on the hill is about 400 m from the sea level. The area also represents an important place for artisanal fishing and a point of high interest for diving.

Key biodiversity
Presence of a population of 4 seabird species (Sula Leucogaster, Phaethon aetherius, Sula sula Calonectris edwardsii), evidence of presence of Hydrobates jabejabe. Vegetation survey with identification of 26 plant species 9 of which are endemic espicies of Cape Verde flora 

Projecto Vitó, Univerisdade de Barcelona, MAVA Foundation, BirdLife International, DNA, SPEA, Municipality of Brava Island. 

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Bafador-Baca (Cape Verde). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.