Current view: Reference and further resources
Zakhidov T.Z., Meklenburtsev R.N. Ed. 1969. Nature and wildlife of Central Asia. Vertebrates. Volume 1. "Ukituvchi". Tashkent. (in Russian)Mitropolskiy O.V., Mitropolskiy M.G. Slender-billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris): new records and problems of conservation. Ornithological studies in Northern Eurasia. XII International Ornithological Conference in Northern Eurasia. Abstracts (Stavropol, 31 January-5 February 2006). Stavropol, 2006. PP. 360-361. (in Russian)Atadjanov, A., Filatov, A., Lanovenko, Y., Zagrebin, S., Chernogaev, E., Khodjaev, J. Aerial Survey of Wetlands in Uzbekistan (winter 2000). Report of the project RSGF "Protection of Uzbekistan's Wetlands and their Waterfowl". Part 3. Tashkent, June 2001.Lanovenko E.N. Report on field research from 2 to 15 June 2006 within the framework of IBA Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 2006Lanovenko E.N. The results of the winter aerial census on Ayakagytma.Mitropolskiy M. Report UzSPB on field studies of lake Ayakagytma from 29 April to 5 May 2007 Tashkent, 2007Geoff Welch Bird observation on lake Ayaqaghitma, Report UzSPB. Uzbekistan – April/May 2008.Turaev M. Oral report on the record of stifftail in January 2010 on Ayakagytma.Ten A. Report on research on Ayakagytma Lake, April 2011. Tashkent 2011
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Ayakaghytma lake and surrounding desert (Uzbekistan). Downloaded from on 27/12/2024.