Country/territory: Azerbaijan
Subnational region(s): Astara
IBA Justification: B2, B3 (2000)
Area: 2,000 hectares (20.00 km2)
Site description (2000 baseline)
Broadleaved forests and scrub in the Astara-chai valley. When part of the Soviet Union, the area had been within the restricted border zone, requiring a special pass to enter (`Other' land-use).
Key biodiversity
The only area in Azerbaijan where the P.c. talishensis subspecies of Phasianus colchicus has a good chance of survival (up to 75 breeding pairs). Accipiter badius possibly breeds, though there have been no definite records since 1953. There are a number of restricted-range passerine subspecies. Significant proportion (³1%) of national population breeding at site: Aquila pomarina (3+ pairs). Alcedo atthis, Coracias garrulus and Dendrocopos medius are all very common breeding birds. Milvus milvus is a rare visitor, especially in the winter, and possibly breeds.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Astara-chai valley (Azerbaijan). Downloaded from on 18/01/2025.