Ashley River Rakahuri


Ashley Rakahuri River Care Group Database (2013)
Brown, J.A., Robinson, T.J. (2009) Addressing uncertainty in braided river bird counts. Department of Conservation Re-search & Development Series 311, Department of Conservation, Wellington.
Bowden, M.J., Ayrey, R.B., Duffield, D.M., Glennie, J.M., Harrison,N., Hurd, S.B., Mason, C.R., Talbot, J.D., Weeber, J.H., 1982. The water resources of the Ashley catchment, North Canterbury Catchment Board and Regional Water Board, Christ-church
DOC River Survey Database (2013).
Hughey, K., Booth, K., Deans, N., and Baker, M., 2009. A significance assessment method for river values. Draft report. Lin-coln University, Canterbury.
Keedwell RJ 2005. Breeding biology of black-fronted terns (Sterna albostriata) and the effects of predation. Emu
105: 39−47.
O’Donnell CFJ, Moore SGM 1983. The wildlife and conservation of braided river systems in Canterbury. Fauna Survey Unit Report 33. Wellington, New Zealand Wildlife Service, Department of Internal Affairs. 73 p.
O’Donnell CFJ. 2000. The significance of river and open water habitats for indigenous birds in Canterbury, New Zealand. Environment Canterbury Unpublished Report U00/37. Christchurch, Environment Canterbury.
O’Donnell, C.F.J., Hoare, J.M. 2011. Meta-analysis of status and trends in breeding populations of black-fronted terns (Chlidonias albostriatus) 1962-2008. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35: 32-43
Palmer, P. 2013. Compilation of “Summary of intrinsic values” chapters from Canterbury Conservancy’s intrinsic values catchment reports: Waimakariri Zone. Department of Conservation, Christchurch.
Wilson, G. (2001) National distribution of braided rivers and the extent of vegetation colonisation. Landcare Research Con-tract Report: LC0001/068.

Further resources

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Ashley River Rakahuri (New Zealand). Downloaded from on 25/01/2025.