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Site description (2000 baseline):
Site location and context
A high rocky island with sea cliffs located mainly on the southern coast. The site also includes Kippakua small rocky island (15 ha) with sea cliffs on the northern and north-western sides, which slopes gradually to the south/south-west. The two islands were treated as separate IBAs in the previous international IBA inventory (Grimmett and Jones 1989): Kippaku (former site GL053) and Apparsuit (former site GL054).
Apparsuit supports the largest seabird colony in west Greenland. The IBA also holds 3,430-4,010 breeding pairs of
Rissa tridactyla (1994 data).
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
With the exception of local disturbance caused by hunting, no serious threats are known at the site. These two colonies have not seen the serious declines in
Uria lomvia numbers recorded elsewhere (e.g. IBA 016), which is probably due to their remoteness from human settlement.
National Partial
International NoneIBA overlaps with Breeding Reserve for Birds (Apparsuit).
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Apparsuit (Kap Shackleton) and Kippaku (Greenland (to Denmark)). Downloaded from on 01/01/2025.