Site description (2000 baseline)
A flood-plain lying between natural levees and overlain by loess soils, situated adjacent to the River Danube and main Duna-völgyi canal between Kiskunlacháza and Szakmár. Human activities include cattle- and sheep-grazing, arable farming, angling and hunting. This area includes two sites that were treated as separate IBAs in the previous international IBA inventory (Grimmett and Jones 1989): `Kiskunsági szikes-tavak' (former site HU021) and `Harta-Akasztói puszta' (former site HU042).
Key biodiversity
An important area for lowland farmland birds and waterbirds. Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Phalacrocorax pygmeus and Branta ruficollis (both on passage), Aythya nyroca (6 breeding pairs), and Haliaeetus albicilla (2 breeding pairs and 4 wintering birds).
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Alkaline pusztas of Upper Kiskunság (Hungary). Downloaded fromág-iba-hungary on 22/11/2024.