Abu Al Abyad Island

Country/territory: United Arab Emirates
Subnational region(s): Abu Dhabi

IBA Justification: A4, B2a, B3a (2017)

Area: 60,000 hectares (600.00 km2)

Conservation status of the Important Bird Area (IBA)
Year of assessment (most recent) State (condition) Pressure (threat) Response (action)
2017 favourable low low

Site description (1994 baseline)
A large, low-lying island (20 km by 30 km, up to 10 m elevation) of calcareous sands and sabkhah, with very little natural vegetation; there are small areas of salt-tolerant scrub and irrigated cultivation. The coast is fringed with extensive intertidal sandflats and mature mangrove Avicennia woodland.

Key biodiversity
See box for key species. The main interest lies in a breeding colony of Dromas ardeola (200-300 pairs, probably c.280); this population seems to winter at Khor al Beidah (site 005). Peak counts of passage waders exceed 6,000 at any one time, and other species include Pluvialis squatarola (200, March) and Arenaria interpres (370+, September).

Non-bird biodiversity: Mammals: dolphins Tursiops truncatus and Sousa chinensis (K) are numerous, and Dugong dugon (V) probably occurs; there are large numbers of introduced ungulates (including Gazella gazella (V), G. dorcas (V) and G. thompsoni). Reptiles: Chelonia mydas (E) is numerous inshore, with occasional Eretmochelys imbricata (E), though no sea-turtles have yet been proved to breed.

Data-sheet compiled by R. P. Morris.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Abu Al Abyad Island (United Arab Emirates). Downloaded from on 14/01/2025.