Karoo - Secondary Area

Country/Territory Namibia; South Africa
General characteristics

The red sand semi-desert country of north-west Cape Province in South Africa and southern Namibia is a Secondary Area (see map, p. 324), defined by the range of the threatened Red Lark Certhilauda burra (classified as Vulnerable). This nomadic species is found on well-vegetated sand-dunes or flats with perennial tussock-grasses, of which only 1,400 km2 remain and which are under continuing heavy grazing pressure from domestic livestock (Dean et al. 1991).

Restricted-range species IUCN Red List category
Red Lark (Calendulauda burra) VU
Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas (IBAs)
Country Admin region IBA Name Code
South Africa Northern Cape Bitterputs Conservation Area ZA027
South Africa Northern Cape Haramoep and Black Mountain Mine ZA026
South Africa Northern Cape Mattheus-Gat Conservation Area ZA025

Stattersfield, A. J., Crosby, M. J., Long, A. J. and Wege, D. C. (1998) Endemic Bird Areas of the World. Priorities for biodiversity conservation. BirdLife Conservation Series 7. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Endemic Bird Area factsheet: Karoo. Downloaded from https://datazone.birdlife.org/eba/factsheet/346 on 27/12/2024.