Country/Territory | Colombia; Panama |
Area | 3,000 km2 |
Altitude | 700 - 2300 m |
Priority | urgent |
Habitat loss | limited |
Knowledge | incomplete |
Embracing the highlands that rise from the Darién low
All the restricted-range species are confined to forest habitats, primarily above 700-800 m. Bangsia arcaei is found primarily above 700 m in this part of its range, but occurs at lower altitudes further west (W. J. Adsett in litt. 1993). At the lower elevations these birds overlap with species endemic to the Darién lowlands (EBA 023), some of which occur up to 800-900 m, but are nevertheless principally low-altitude in their distributions.
Although a number of the species are widespread within the EBA, and four occur in other nearby EBAs, the mountains along the Colombian border (Cerros Tacarcuna and Malí, Cerro Pirre, Alturas de Nique and Altos de Quía) support six species (Odontophorus dialeucos, Margarornis bellulus, Scytalopus panamensis, Myadestes coloratus, Tangara fucosa and Basileuterus ignotus) which are totally confined to various combinations of these mountains. A further two species (Geothalsia bella and Chlorospingus inornatus) are found also on Cerro Sapo. The predominance of species endemic to the mountains at the eastern end of this EBA highlights the importance of this area for conservation.
A bird, previously reported as Scytalopus vicinior , recorded from Cerro Pirre and thus disjunct from that species' main range in the Chocó (EBA 041), appears not to be referable to vicinior (based on vocalization and morphology: Wetmore 1972, Fjeldså and Krabbe 1990), and may thus represent a new, Vulnerable, single-mountain endemic (see below).
Country | IBA Name | IBA Book Code |
Colombia | Capurganá | CO018 |
Panama | Chagres National Park | PA040 |
Panama | Darién National Park | PA053 |
Panama | Narganá Wildlands Area | PA047 |
Panama | Portobelo National Park | PA030 |
Panama | Punta Garachiné-Cerro Sapo | PA051 |
Panama | Serranía de Majé | PA043 |
None of the restricted-range species is currently considered threatened, due in part to the relatively pristine state of the highland forests (especially those in Darién) which in turn is a result of their inaccessibility and formal protection (Ridgely and Gwynne 1989). However, close examination of the distributions of species endemic to the mountains on the Panama-Colombia border suggests that those confined to higher elevations should be considered Vulnerable on range-size alone (estimated at less than 100 km2); such species include Odontophorus dialeucos, Margarornis bellulus, Scytalopus panam
In Panama, the extensive Darién National Park (a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site) protects most of the important highlands in Darién province, with Los Katíos National Park in Colombia protecting the adjacent and contiguous part of Cerro Tacar
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Endemic Bird Area factsheet: Darién highlands. Downloaded from on 25/11/2024.