
State of the World's Birds - case studies

Pressure: Why birds are declining
Response: What can be done to improve the status of birds

Key publications


  • Rybanić, R., Šutiaková, T. and Benko, Š. (eds) (2004) Významné vtáčie územia na Slovensku. Územia významné zpohl'adu Európskej únie [Important bird areas of European Union importance in Slovakia]. Bratislava: Society for the Protection of Birds in Slovakia. [In Slovakian with English summary]
  • Hora, J. and Kanuch, P. (1992) Významná ptačí území v Evrope [Important Bird Areas in Europe - Czechoslovakia]. Prague: Czechoslovakia Section of the International Council for Bird Preservation. [In Czech and English versions].

Slovakia at a glance

Land area

49,035 km2

BirdLife Partner

Slovak Ornithological Society / BirdLife Slovakia


Total number of birds 293
Globally threatened birds 16
Country endemics 0

Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas

Number of IBAs 40
Total IBA area 13,841 km2
IBA area as % of land area 28%

Endemic Bird Areas

Number of EBAs 0

Recommended Citation
BirdLife International (2024) Country profile: Slovakia. Downloaded from on 05/12/2024.