
State of the World's Birds - case studies

State: What we know about the changing state of birds
Pressure: Why birds are declining
Response: What can be done to improve the status of birds

Key publications


  • Winkel, W. and Frantzen, M. (1987) Erfassung von 'Important Bird Areas' der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Inventory of Important Bird Areas in the Federal Republic of Germany]. Berichte der Deutschen Sektion des Internationalen Rates für Vogelschutz 27: 13-58. [In German].
  • Sudfeldt, C., Doer, D., Hötker, H., Mayr, C., Unselt, C., Lindeiner, A. V. and Bauer, H. G. (2002) Important Bird Areas (Bedeutende Vogelschutzgebiete) in Deutschland - überarbeitete und aktualisierte Gesamtliste [Important Bird Areas in Germany - revised and updated list]. Berichte zum Vogelschutz. 38. 17-110. [In German]
  • Naturschutzbund Deutschland (1991) Die Europäischen Vogelschutzgebiete (IBA) in den fünf neuen Bundesländern [IBAs in the five new Bundesländer of the Federal Republic of Germany]. Bonn. [In German]
  • Skov, H., Vatikus, G., Raudonikis, L., Sidlo, P. O., Kalamees, A., Luigijze, L., Stipneice, A., Welander, B., Kondratyev, A,. Grishanov, G., Scheller, W., Struwe-Juhl, B., Leivo, M., Flensted, K. N. and Rasmussen, J. F. (2000) Inventory of coastal and marine Important Bird Areas in the Baltic Sea. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.
  • European Commission (2014) National Summary for Article 12 2008-2012 Germany

Germany at a glance

Land area

357,022 km2

BirdLife Partner

NABU Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union


Total number of birds 311
Globally threatened birds 15
Country endemics 0

Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas

Number of IBAs 537
Total IBA area 77,128 km2
IBA area as % of land area 22%

Endemic Bird Areas

Number of EBAs 0

Recommended Citation
BirdLife International (2024) Country profile: Germany. Downloaded from on 22/12/2024.