Family: Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes)
Authority: Schlegel, 1866
Red List Category:
Criteria: C2a(ii)
here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria
Justification of Red List categoryThis obscure woodcock has a very small range restricted to the island of Obi and is estimated to have a small population that is inferred to be undergoing a continuing decline due to an accelerating rate of habitat loss, especially in the lowlands where the bulk of the species's population is believed to occur. The occurrence of the species on the island of Bacan is now considered uncertain, with only a single specimen record from more than a century ago. Consequently the population estimate for Obi, based on measured territory size and extent of modelled suitable habitat, is considered to be that for the entire population, 9,500-19,000 mature individuals. Given that occupancy of the entire modelled suitable area is unlikely to be complete, the lower bound is a plausible estimate. With a small population size and a continuing decline, the species is listed as Vulnerable.
Population size:
9530-19059 mature individuals
Population trend:
Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident):
2,100 km
Country endemic:
Land-mass type - oceanic island
Realm - Oceanian
IUCN System - Terrestrial