
Country/territory: Slovakia
Subnational region(s): Bratislava; Trnava

IBA Justification: C6 (2004)

Area: 4,858 hectares (48.58 km2)

BirdLife Partner(s): Slovak Ornithological Society / BirdLife Slovakia

Site summary
The area consists of intensive agricultural land with a moderately dense road system. It is bordered by the Malý Dunaj River to the north. False acacia woods and avenues are present, as well as a low-trunk orchard. Three gravel mines, used for recreational purposes, and the water canal Tomášov-Lehnice represent water habitats. The area is used mainly for intensive agricultural production (corn, maize, sunflower and fod­ders). Most of the area is used for hunting. The site is an important nesting area for raptors of open habi­tats. The main threats are intensive agriculture and urban development (development of traffic infrastructure, new constructions, etc.). The reduction of corvid species through hunting has had a nega­tive impact on the nesting sites of the Red-footed Falcon. The site is not proposed as an SPA.

Spoluautori: Michal Noga.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Miloslavov (Slovakia). Downloaded from on 15/01/2025.