Country/territory: Antarctica
IBA Justification: A4i (2015)
Area: 4 hectares (0.04 km2)
Site description (2015 baseline)
Cape Davidson is located on the southwest coast of Laurie Island. The IBA qualifies on the basis of the Imperial Shag (Phalacrocorax [atriceps] bransfieldensis) colony present and comprises a small (2.8 ha) rocky islet lying offshore ~1 km southwest from Cape Davidson.
The nearest research station is Orcadas (ARG) which is located ~5 km to the east of the IBA. Orcadas operates year-round with around 45 personnel present in summer and 14 in winter (COMNAP, Antarctic Facilities, accessed 01/09/2010).
Key biodiversity
Approximately 225 pairs of Imperial Shag were breeding on the islet in 1983 (unpublished data S. Poncet pers. comm. 2005). )). Ardley (1936) reported a colony of ~180 breeding pairs of Imperial Shag present on a small islet in western Wilton Bay in Jan 1933, although it is unknown whether the colony still exists. It seems possible that this colony may be the same as that identified by S. and J. Poncet on the islet southwest of Cape Davidson.
Non-bird biodiversity: None known.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Islet southwest of Cape Davidson, Laurie Island (Antarctica). Downloaded from on 19/01/2025.