Family: Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes)
Authority: (Gmelin, 1789)
Red List Category:
Justification of Red List categoryThis species has a large geographic range size (extent of occurrence >16 million km
2 in both the breeding and non-breeding seasons), and so does not approach Criterion B thresholds. It also has a large estimated population size (250,000 mature individuals; Partners in Flight 2023), and so does not approach Criteria C or D thresholds. Considering its population trend over three generations (
c. 18 years), the data presented in Smith
et al. (2023) indicate a slow decline of
c. 10%, albeit with large confidence intervals. This is broadly consistent with evidence of similar rates of decline from the Breeding Bird Survey (
c. 7%; Ziolkowski
et al. 2022), eBird (
c. 6%; Fink
et al. 2023) and Partners in Flight (2023;
c. 15%). In recent years, a steeper decline has been recorded on the Pacific coast by the Migratory Shorebird Project (unpublished data), although this covers a relatively small proportion of the population. Conversely, data from the Christmas Bird Count (Meehan
et al. 2022) indicate a stable population. Although the population is declining, it does not currently appear to be declining at a rate approaching Criterion A thresholds. Hence, the species continues to warrant listing as Least Concern.
Population size:
250000 mature individuals
Population trend:
Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident):
16,300,000 km
Country endemic:
Realm - Nearctic
Realm - Neotropical
IUCN System - Freshwater
IUCN System - Marine