Philippine Cockatoo Cacatua haematuropygia

Family: Cacatuidae (Cockatoos)

Authority: (Müller, 1776)

Red List Category:

Criteria: A2bcd
Click here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria

Justification of Red List category
This species has suffered an extremely rapid population reduction owing to extensive loss of its lowland habitats and trapping for the cagebird trade. Now that it is extinct in much of its historic range, and some protected populations are increasing, the rate of decline may have slowed or the decline may even have stopped. However, the bulk of the past declines are believed to have occurred within the past three generations and so it is assessed as Critically Endangered.

Population size: 430-750 mature individuals

Population trend: decreasing

Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident): 734,000 km2

Country endemic: yes

Land-mass type - shelf island
Realm - Indomalayan
IUCN System - Terrestrial

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Philippine Cockatoo Cacatua haematuropygia. Downloaded from on 05/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 05/01/2025.