Country/territory: Cameroon
Subnational region(s): Far North Province
IBA Justification: A1, A3, A4i, A4iii (2001)
Area: 500,000 hectares (5,000.00 km2)
Site description (2001 baseline)
The Logone flood-plain is situated between Lake Maga to the south (CM004), Waza National Park (CM003) to the west, the Logone river and the international frontier with Chad to the east and, to the north, Kalamaloué National Park (CM001). The area immediately north of Lake Maga is, as a result of the construction of Maga dam, no longer subject to seasonal flooding and is covered by sparse annual grassland. The central and northern parts of the plain are flooded from August to December and are covered with perennial grasses such as Echinochloa pyramidalis and Oryza longistaminata and, less commonly, Hyparrhenia rufa and Vetiveria nigritana. The area is crossed by a few watercourses, bordered by levées on which grow open woodlands. These are the only places in the flood-plain not subject to inundation and are inhabited by fishermen.
Key biodiversity
See Box and Table 3 for key species. Together with the contiguous Waza National Park (CM003), a total of 379 species have been recorded from the Logone flood-plain. Other species of global conservation concern include Aquila clanga (recorded in the 1970s), Falco naumanni (frequent in the 1970s, recently seen only in 1993 and 1997), Crex crex (observed only in 1994) and Gallinago media (which is uncommon). An estimated population of 100–200 Ardeotis arabs occurs. The area holds large waterbird concentrations, with total numbers exceeding 50,000 individuals during all annual counts in the period 1993–2000. These include, in addition to those listed below, up to 4,000 Phalacrocorax africanus and 10,000 Dendrocygna viduata. Seven species of the Sudan–Guinea Savanna biome (A04) have also been recorded at this site; see Table 3.
Non-bird biodiversity: The area was important for Gazella rufifrons (VU), but the construction of Maga dam and increased human disturbance have reduced numbers of all larger mammals outside the protection of Waza.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Logone flood-plain (Cameroon). Downloaded from on 05/01/2025.