Cerro Hoya National Park

Country/territory: Panama
Subnational region(s): Los Santos; Veraguas

Justification: A1, A2, A3 (2003)

Area: 32,557 hectares (325.57 km2)

BirdLife Partner(s): Sociedad Audubon de Panamá

Site description (2003 baseline)
Cerro Hoya National Park encompasses the highest peaks at the southern end of the isolated mountain range that runs along the western Azuero Peninsula. The park extends to the coast between the Restingue and Ventana Rivers, with the highest point being Cerro Hoya (1,559 m). It includes the headwaters of the Varadero, Pavo, Tonosí, and Jobero Rivers on its northern side and many shorter streams on the south. The only part of the park reachable by road is at Restingue at the western end; otherwise access is by foot, horse or boat.

Key biodiversity
The globally threatened Brown-backed Dove, Great Green Macaw, and Three-wattled Bellbird are found, and the near-threatened Great Curassow probably occurs. Cerro Hoya is one of only four known sites for the dove, the others being Coiba National Park, Cébaco Island, and El Montuoso Forest Reserve. Glow-throated Hummingbird may occur, since a Selasphorus hummingbird has been collected here, although the specific identity of the specimen has not yet been confirmed. A few pairs of the nationally endangered Scarlet Macaw may occur. The Cerro Hoya area is the only site for the endemic Azuero Parakeet, which has a global range estimated at only 700 km2. Although presently considered a subspecies of Painted Parakeet, several recent studies have suggested it merits full species status (Joseph 200). Several endemics of the South Central American Pacific Slope EBAs and Costa Rica and Panama Highlands are also found. The area is fairly well known ornithologically, having been the subject of studies by F. Delgado of the University of Panama and a survey by the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences and the Panama Audubon Society in 1996. However, additional information is needed about bird distribution at higher elevations.

Non-bird biodiversity: Mammals probably include Western Night Monkey, Coiba Howler, Central American Spider Monkey, Panamanian Spiny Pocket-Mouse, Darien Harvest Mouse, Neotropical River Otter, Ocelot, Jaguarundi, Puma, and Jaguar. The frog Eleutherodactylus azueroensis has been recorded.

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Cerro Hoya National Park (Panama). Downloaded from on 03/01/2025.