Scientific name | Common name | Family | Red List category |
Aythya fuligula | Tufted Duck | Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, Swans) | LC |
Spatula querquedula | Garganey | Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, Swans) | LC |
Spatula clypeata | Northern Shoveler | Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, Swans) | LC |
Anas crecca | Common Teal | Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, Swans) | LC |
Phoenicopterus roseus | Greater Flamingo | Phoenicopteridae (Flamingos) | LC |
Phaethon aethereus | Red-billed Tropicbird | Phaethontidae (Tropicbirds) | LC |
Phaethon lepturus | White-tailed Tropicbird | Phaethontidae (Tropicbirds) | LC |
Spilopelia chinensis | Eastern Spotted Dove | Columbidae (Pigeons, Doves) | LC |
Spilopelia suratensis | Western Spotted Dove | Columbidae (Pigeons, Doves) | LC |
Apus apus | Common Swift | Apodidae (Swifts) | LC |
Eudynamys scolopaceus | Western Koel | Cuculidae (Cuckoos) | LC |
Cacomantis passerinus | Grey-bellied Cuckoo | Cuculidae (Cuckoos) | LC |
Cuculus micropterus | Indian Cuckoo | Cuculidae (Cuckoos) | LC |
Cuculus canorus | Common Cuckoo | Cuculidae (Cuckoos) | LC |
Amaurornis phoenicurus | White-breasted Waterhen | Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, Coots) | LC |
Gallicrex cinerea | Watercock | Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, Coots) | LC |
Gallinula chloropus | Common Moorhen | Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, Coots) | LC |
Oceanites oceanicus | Wilson's Storm-petrel | Oceanitidae (Southern Storm-petrels) | LC |
Ardenna pacifica | Wedge-tailed Shearwater | Procellariidae (Petrels, Shearwaters) | LC |
Ardenna carneipes | Flesh-footed Shearwater | Procellariidae (Petrels, Shearwaters) | NT |
Puffinus bailloni | Tropical Shearwater | Procellariidae (Petrels, Shearwaters) | LC |
Ixobrychus sinensis | Yellow Bittern | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Ixobrychus cinnamomeus | Cinnamon Bittern | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Ixobrychus flavicollis | Black Bittern | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Butorides striata | Green-backed Heron | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Ardeola grayii | Indian Pond Heron | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Bubulcus ibis | Cattle Egret | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Ardea cinerea | Grey Heron | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Ardea purpurea | Purple Heron | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Ardea alba | Great White Egret | Ardeidae (Herons) | LC |
Fregata ariel | Lesser Frigatebird | Fregatidae (Frigatebirds) | LC |
Fregata minor | Great Frigatebird | Fregatidae (Frigatebirds) | LC |
Sula leucogaster | Brown Booby | Sulidae (Gannets, Boobies) | LC |
Pluvialis squatarola | Grey Plover | Charadriidae (Plovers) | VU |
Pluvialis fulva | Pacific Golden Plover | Charadriidae (Plovers) | LC |
Charadrius hiaticula | Common Ringed Plover | Charadriidae (Plovers) | LC |
Charadrius dubius | Little Ringed Plover | Charadriidae (Plovers) | LC |
Charadrius atrifrons | Tibetan Sandplover | Charadriidae (Plovers) | LC |
Charadrius leschenaultii | Greater Sandplover | Charadriidae (Plovers) | LC |
Numenius phaeopus | Whimbrel | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Numenius arquata | Eurasian Curlew | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | NT |
Limosa lapponica | Bar-tailed Godwit | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | NT |
Arenaria interpres | Ruddy Turnstone | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | NT |
Calidris falcinellus | Broad-billed Sandpiper | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | VU |
Calidris ferruginea | Curlew Sandpiper | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | VU |
Calidris temminckii | Temminck's Stint | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Calidris alba | Sanderling | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Calidris minuta | Little Stint | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Gallinago stenura | Pin-tailed Snipe | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Actitis hypoleucos | Common Sandpiper | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Tringa nebularia | Common Greenshank | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Tringa totanus | Common Redshank | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Tringa glareola | Wood Sandpiper | Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes) | LC |
Dromas ardeola | Crab-plover | Dromadidae (Crab-plover) | LC |
Glareola maldivarum | Oriental Pratincole | Glareolidae (Coursers, Pratincoles) | LC |
Anous stolidus | Brown Noddy | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Anous tenuirostris | Lesser Noddy | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Gygis candida | Common White Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Onychoprion fuscatus | Sooty Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Onychoprion anaethetus | Bridled Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Sternula saundersi | Saunders's Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Hydroprogne caspia | Caspian Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Chlidonias leucopterus | White-winged Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Sterna sumatrana | Black-naped Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Sterna repressa | White-cheeked Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Thalasseus bengalensis | Lesser Crested Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Thalasseus bergii | Greater Crested Tern | Laridae (Gulls, Terns, Skimmers) | LC |
Stercorarius pomarinus | Pomarine Jaeger | Stercorariidae (Skuas) | LC |
Catharacta maccormicki | South Polar Skua | Stercorariidae (Skuas) | LC |
Catharacta antarctica | Brown Skua | Stercorariidae (Skuas) | LC |
Circus aeruginosus | Western Marsh-harrier | Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles) | LC |
Circus macrourus | Pallid Harrier | Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles) | NT |
Circus pygargus | Montagu's Harrier | Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles) | LC |
Falco naumanni | Lesser Kestrel | Falconidae (Falcons, Caracaras) | LC |
Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | Falconidae (Falcons, Caracaras) | LC |
Falco amurensis | Amur Falcon | Falconidae (Falcons, Caracaras) | LC |
Falco subbuteo | Eurasian Hobby | Falconidae (Falcons, Caracaras) | LC |
Oriolus oriolus | Eurasian Golden Oriole | Oriolidae (Old World Orioles) | LC |
Corvus splendens | House Crow | Corvidae (Crows and jays) | LC |
Hirundo rustica | Barn Swallow | Hirundinidae (Swallows and martins) | LC |
Oenanthe isabellina | Isabelline Wheatear | Muscicapidae (Old World Flycatchers and Chats) | LC |
Oenanthe pleschanka | Pied Wheatear | Muscicapidae (Old World Flycatchers and Chats) | LC |