Family: Charadriidae (Plovers)
Authority: (Pallas, 1771)
Red List Category:
Criteria: A3bcd+4bcd
here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria
Justification of Red List categoryThis species is listed as Critically Endangered because its population has undergone a very rapid reduction, for reasons that are poorly understood but are likely to be at least partly due to hunting along the migration flyway; this decline is projected to continue and increase in the future. Fieldwork in Kazakhstan (and counts in Turkey and the Middle East) has shown the population to be substantially larger than previously feared, but recent demographic studies have found low adult survival, possibly largely driven by hunting pressure along the migration routes and wintering grounds.
BirdLife Species Champion:
Swarovski Optik and RSPB
BirdLife Species Guardian:
Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
Population size:
11200 mature individuals
Population trend:
Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident):
1,670,000 km
Country endemic:
Land-mass type - continent
Realm - Afrotropical
Realm - Indomalayan
Realm - Palearctic
IUCN System - Terrestrial